Node.js is a javascript runtime built on Chrome's V8 javascript engine. it uses an event-driven
, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. (from
allows us to write javascript code on the server side/backend
Interact with Node Console
has its own version of the console --- on command line
not that useful
it's a REPL
ctrl-C ctrl-C to quit
can't use some commands you can use in the javascript console can't be used here (DOM commands
, alert(), etc) because they are browser/frontend based
Run a File with Node
create a js file and execute it on the command line with node fileName.js
can print console.log() outputs in the terminal
to run more complicated things that are running on servers and such use node app.js command
it will tell you it is running on port 3000, which is where you can view the app in the
nodes javascript package manager
can't include packages with script tags like with libraries because the server side doesn't use
an alternative is yarn -- another package manager that was created by Facebook
can use either package manager, but make sure to stick with the same one for a whole project
Installing packages and Using Packages
npm install or yarn install to install a package
install in project root
in your .js file use format: let variableName = require('packageName');
then you will call methods with variableName.methodFromPackage();
Package.json and NPM Init
All npm packages contain a file, usually in the project root, called package.json - this
file holds various metadata relevant to the project. This file is used to give information to
npm that allows it to identify the project as well as handle the project's dependencies. It
can also contain other metadata such as project description, the version of the project in a
particular distribution, license information, even configuration data - all of which can be
vital to both npm and to the end users of the package. The package.json file is normally
located at the root directory of a Node.js project. --- this description was from docs, which doesn't exist anymore
json stands for javascript object notation
contains a list od all the dependencies needed to run the app, but doesn't download them
json dependencies analogy paraphrased from Colt Steele: Suppose you have a great recipe and
you want your friend in Denmark to be able to replicate it. One option would be to buy all the
ingredients, measure them, package them in bags, and then put in a box with instructions
and ship it to the friend. Alternately, you can send them instructions with a description
of all the ingredients and their quantities and send that. Then friend can just prepare
it on their own. The package.json is like the mailed recipe. It will list all the
dependencies and then the user can go and install those packages themselves.
npm init
used to create a package.json file inside the directory where the application will exist
it will ask questions and use the provided data to make the package.json file for us at the end
it will put its guesses at the answers in parenthesis --- if that is what you want you can
just hit enter
won't have any dependencies yet
to add dependencies install a package with the --save flag
flag automatically saves the package name and version to the package.json dependencies list
npm init -y - automatically fills in package.json with what it thinks should be there
Automate the Restarting of the Node Server
keeps you from having to stop and restart your Node server manually everytime you edit your code
use Nodemon
not a package that is installed to your project
run npm i -g nodemon to install
global install allows us to use anywhere on our computer with any project
run nodemon command in node console to use --- it will run in the background and restart the
server automatically