Data Associations

  • will allow us to have multiple pieces of data, multiple collections in our database that are related to one another --- important to making more complicated apps
    • example: with a site like Facebook there are models for User, Post, Photos, Albums , Comments, Tags, Likes, etc.
      • all these are interconnected

Types of Associations

  • one:one relationships
    • simplest
    • have one of an entity that is related to one of another entity
      • examples:
        • one book has one publisher
        • one employee has one title
  • one:many relationships
    • one entity is related to many of another entity
      • example:
        • Facebook --- one user can have multiple photos, but the photos only belong to one user
  • many:many relationships
    • examples:
      • school --- each student has multiple courses, but each course also has multiple students
      • an author can have many books, but books can also have multiple authors

Embedding Data

  • note: examples use Mongoose --- they will use User and Posts to model a one:many relationship
  • examples located in 'the-web-developer-bootcamp/15_data_associations/embed.js'
  • this gives us users that look like this:
  name: 'asdas',
  posts: [
    {title: 'asdas', content: 'asdas'},
    {title: 'asdas', content: 'asdas'},
    {title: 'asdas', content: 'asdas'}

Referencing Data

  • note: examples use Mongoose --- they will use User and Posts to model a one:many relationship
  • examples located in 'the-web-developer-bootcamp/15_data_associations/references.js'
  • now we will have users that look like this:
  name: 'asdas',
  posts: [
    23578125876578,     // a list of ids that correrspond to individual posts rather than having
    256873456tg745,     // the whole post in the array (i.e. referencing the post)
  id: 23578125876578,
  title: 'asdas',
  content: 'asdas'

Embed or Reference?

  • can use either in almost all situations, but one usually lends itself better to what needs to be done in the particular situation


  • will help clean up code and make it more modular

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