
  • NOTE: older repos will have master rather than main

(note: see command_line notes to find info on VIM)

  • version control system
  • HEAD - currently checked out --- the files editable on my machine/working copy/working space



  • when creating new github repository include .gitignore directory - this allows us to avoid committing unnecessary files that would commit every time - manually add .idea and anything else you want ignored to the .gitignore directory
  • cat .git/config ` look at remote to see where it is pointed
  • git config [option] - to change your config (can also do it in an editor to the .git/config file)
    • new github/gitlab account requires 1 time config setup of email and username


  • git status - shows which files need to be to be staged, committed, etc (git status alias gst)


  • git log - shows changes
  • git log --graph - shows paths
  • git log --name-status - only shows names of files changed in a commit
    • will have A, M, or D at the beginning of lines to show if the file was added, modified, or deleted
  • git log -p - shows all changes
  • q - to quit log
  • git reflog - shows history of all the refs(places your head has changed to)

Making Repositories

  • git init - initializes empty git repository (easier to make new repository on github/gitlab first and then clone it)
  • git remote add origin https:/... - connect repository to a blank github repository at the address "https:/..."
  • git push --set-upstream main - makes a new project on gitlab and pushes my local repository to main
  • git clone https://... - clone new github/gitlab repository with address "https://..."


  • git checkout branch_name - checkout the "branch_name" branch from github/gitlab (checkout alias co)
  • git checkout . - reverts committed files that have been modified (checkout alias co)

Remote Tracking Branches

  • git remote -v - shows a list of the local remote tracking branches/clones

Diffs (differences)

  • git diff - shows changes between the working tree and the index or a tree, changes between the index and a tree, changes between two trees, changes between two blob objects, or changes between two files on disk
    • this much easier to follow in the IDE
  • git diff --name-status - show only the names and status of the changed files


  • git branch new_branch_name - creates a new branch, but does not switch to it
  • git sw name_of_branch_want_to_switch_to - switch branches (old way is git co branch_name)
  • git sw -c new_branch_name - create new branch and switch to it (switch alias sw)
  • git cherry-pick commit_sha - puts the sha on the tip of a new branch
    • if doing this make sure remaining commit/s on original branch are still intact
  • git cherry-pick <current-branch>..<other-branch> - cherry-pick from one branch to another branch
    • example:
      git checkout Branch1
      git cherry-pick Branch1..Branch2
    • start with this:
      a -- b -- c                  <-- Master
          \     \
           \      d -- e           <-- Branch1
              f -- g               <-- Branch2
    • get this:
      a -- b -- c                  <-- Master
          \     \
           \      d -- e -- f -- g <-- Branch1 (Cherry-Pick f & g)
              f -- g               <-- Branch2


  • git pull - runs git fetch and calls git merge to merge the retrieved branch heads into the current branch
  • git pull --rebase - fetches and then rebases instead of merging


  • git fetch - gets the updated versions of the remote tracking branch/es
    • if no remote is specified the default origin remote will be used
  • git fetch --all - gets all remote tracking branches for the repo


  • git stash -u - stashes local changes
  • git stash pop - pops the changes from the stash


  • git add filename- stages file "filename"
  • git add . - stages current directory


  • git commit - commits and opens VIM (commit alias ci)
  • git commit -m "notes about commit here" - commits without opening VIM
  • git commit --amend - edit last commit, VIM will open to edit commit message
  • git commit --amend --no-edit - edit last commit without changing commit message
  • Writing good commit messages

Rebasing and Merging

  • git rebase - sets aside your changes, updates your local branch to be up to date, then applies your changes on top
    • if rebase, must force push afterwards
  • merge branch_name --no-ff - this is a merge commit, it only holds meta data not the actual changes
    • rebasing blows away any merge commits that happened after you branched off


  • git push - pushes changes to github/gitlab
    • origin is the default push location if no location is provided
  • git push --force-with-lease - push amended/rewritten history (using just --force will blow away any changes if you're not up to date, so always use --force-with-lease to be safe)
  • git push -u - makes a new remote tracking branch
  • git push --set-upstream - does the same thing as git push -u


  • git clean -df - get rid of unstaged files that have never been committed
  • git clean -dfx - also clean gitignored files


  • git reset --hard <upstream/main, origin/main> - Resets the index and working tree. Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since are discarded reset docs

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