Javascript Basics

  • // for comments
  • **NOTE:**DRY stands for 'Don't Repeat Yourself'
    • if not DRY, can be called WET -- 'Write Everything Twice'

What is JavaScript/

  • lightweight, cross-platform, object-oriented computer programming language
    • lightweight - uses little memory, relatively simple syntax
  • one of the three core technologies of web development along with html and css
  • nowadays can be used in different places:
    • client-side: JavaScript was traditionally only used in the browser
    • server-side: with Node.js, we can use JavaScript on the server as well
  • JS is what made modern web development possible:
    • dynamic effects and interactivity
    • modern web applications that we can interact with
  • Frameworks/libraries like React and Angular are 100% based on JS

Relationship between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • html is like the nouns --- <p></p> means 'paragraph'
    • responsible for the content of the page --- text, images, buttons, etc
  • css is the adjectives --- p { color: red; } means 'the paragraph text is red'
    • responsible for the presentation of the content --- styling
  • javascript is the verbs --- p.hide(): means 'hide the paragraph'
    • the real programming language that allows us to allow dynamics

JavaScript developer console

  • 'Right Click -> Inspect -> Console tab' or 'View -> Developer -> Javascript Console'
  • enter lines start with >, returned lines start with <・ --- also have separator lines
  • can up arrow to previous inputs like in terminal
  • clear () will clear the console

JavaScript in a Separate File

  • need an .html file, with at least a basic html template in it
  • need a .js file
  • need a script tag to connect the two files
    • <script src="fileName.js"></script>

JavaScript Primitive Data Types

NOTE: for info on Primitives vs. Objects look here

  • JS has dynamic typing --- i.e. data types are automatically assigned to variables, don't have to declare the type
    • it is the value stored in a variable that has a type, not the variable itself => can reassign a variable with a value of a different type


  • javascript doesn't care if a number is whole, fractional, or negative --- it doesn't differentiate
    • whether you see it or not, all numbers are floating point
  • modulo is %


  • sequence of characters, used for text
  • must be in quotes
    • single or double
  • concatenation uses +
  • escape characters with \
  • .length gives us the string's length property
  • access individual characters using [] (i.e. "hello"[4])
    • javascript is 0 indexed


  • logical data type that can only be true or false

Null and Undefined

  • in a sense they both mean 'nothingness', but in different ways


  • the data type of a variable that does have a value yet
  • occurs when a variable was declared but not initialized


  • special value which represents 'nothing', 'empty', or 'value unknown' (
  • 'non-existent' (Jonas)
  • 'explicitly nothing' (Colt)

Symbol (ES2015)

  • value that is unique and cannot be changed

BigInt (ES2020)

  • larger integers than the Number type can hold

Variables and their Syntax

  • variable store containers that store information
  • javascript variables use camelCase and can only start with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign
  • can't use reserved keywords as variable names
  • from 1997-2015 var was the only way to make a variable --- now there are also let and const
  • var
    • scoped to "current execution context" --- a variable's enclosing function, or the global scope --- it is not a block scoped variable
      • meaning if a variable is in a loop within a function, the variable is scoped to the whole function, not just the loop
    • can be reassigned whenever
    • initializing with value is optional
    • can be declared at any point
    • global variables are added to window
  • let
    • block scoped
    • does not create value on global window object
    • initializing with value is optional
    • can be reassigned whenever
    • cannot be redeclared (in the same scope)
    • let is basically the var keyword but block scoped
  • const
    • block scoped
    • cannot be reassigned
      • not immutable, but variable reference cannot change
        • can't just reassign it to something else, but if it was an array for example, you could edit the array or push onto it, etc.
    • must be initialized with a value
    • does not create value on global window object
    • cannot be redeclared (in the same scope)
  • declaration syntax: var/let/const yourVariableName = yourValue;
  • try to use: (according to Colt Steele; seconded by Jonas Schmedtmann):
    • const over let
    • let over var
    • use var pretty much never (you probably don't need it)

Useful Built-in Methods

  • alert(whatYouWantDisplayedInTheAlert) --- makes a popup that displays the alert
  • prompt("theTextPromptForTheUser") --- gets input from user in a popup
  • console.log(somethingToPrint) --- prints the input to the console
  • typeof thingWantType Of ---

Strings and Template Literals

  • use backticks -- type string -- any variables/expressions are in the format ${variableName}/${expression} (no + concatenation is needed)
  • backticks can also be used for any regular string --- then you don't have to worry about escaping quotes --- and if you need to insert variables later it is easier
  • type multi line strings in backticks with the text on multiple lines instead of using newline escapes

Boolean Logic

  • javascript has the standard comparison operators (>, >=, <, <=, ==, !=) plus: ===, !==

Equality Operators

  • == performs type coercion, while === does not
  • example:
    let x = 99;
    x == "99"     // true --- type coersion --- says string 99 and number 99 are the same
    x === "99"    // false --- strict equality --- string 99 and number 99 are not the same because
                  // they are different types
    let y = null;
    y == undefined    // true
    y === undefined   // false
  • === much safer, should always use if possible --- best practice
  • != & !== are the same idea as == & === except the negation

Logical Operators

  • javascript uses && (AND), || (OR), and ! (NOT)
  • return Booleans

Truthy and Falsy

  • every value in javascript is inherently 'truthy' or 'falsy'
  • a falsy value is one that is considered false in an if/else statement --- 0, "", null, undefined, NaN (not a number)
  • truthy value are all values that are not falsy
  • example:
    let height;
    if (height) {
      console.log('Variable is defined.');
    } else {
      console.log('Variable is not defined.');
    // "Variable is not defined."
    //  we get this because undefined is falsy, so it is defined as false in the if/else block
    height = 0;
    // height is now defined and can be 0, but 0 is a falsy value. we get:
    // "Variable is not defined." 
    // so we need to change our statement so this doesn't happen
    if (height  || height === 0) {
      console.log('Variable is defined.');
    } else {
      console.log('Variable is not defined.');
    // now we get "Variable is defined."
  • can check by putting a value in a boolean context
    • example:
      !"hello"    // false => "hello" is truthy
      !!"hello"   // true  => truthy
  • example:
    let str = ""                  // falsy
    let msg = "haha!"             // truthy
    let isFunny = "false"         // truthy because it is a string not a boolean
    !((str || msg) && isFunny)    // false

Statements vs. Expressions

  • expressions are pieces of code that always produce a value --- length doesn't matter as long as they produce a single value at the end
  • statements are code that does something but doesn't produce any immediate value
    • ex: function declarations, if statements, etc.

Strict Mode

  • 'use strict' --- must be the first statement in the script file
    • forbids us to do certain things
    • shows some errors in console where JS would just fail silently before

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