Javascript Conditionals and Loops


  • if
  • else if
  • else

Ternary Operator

  • `[condition] ? [condition is true] : [the condition is false]

Switch Statements

  • example:
let firstName = 'John';
let job = 'teacher';

switch (job) {
  case 'teacher':     // two case staements in a row like this will make the same code
  case 'instructor':  // execute for both of them
    console.log(firstName + ' teaches kids how to code.');
    break;            // stops it from checking other cases
  case 'driver':
    console.log(firstName + ' drives an uber in Lisbon.');
  case 'designer':
    console.log(firstName + ' designs beautiful websites.');
  default:            // like an else statement in an if/else
    console.log(firstName + ' does something else.');
  • can replace a long if, else if,else if,else if,..., else statement --- looks cleaner
    • example:
    // original if/else if/else statement
    let firstName = 'John';
    let age = 20;
    if (age < 13) {
      console.log(firstName + ' is a boy.');
    } if (age >= 13 && age < 20) {
      console.log(firstName + ' is a teenager.');
    } if (age >= 20 && age < 30) {
      console.log(firstName + ' is a young man.');
    } else {
      console.log(firstName + ' is a man.');
    // rewritten as a switch statement
    switch (true) {
      case age < 13:
        console.log(firstName + ' is a boy.');
      case age < 20:
        console.log(firstName + ' is a teenager.');
      case age < 20:
        console.log(firstName + ' is a young man.');
        console.log(firstName + ' is a man.');

while Loops

  • while(someCondition){
      // run some code
  • example 1a:
    let count = 1;
    while(count < 6){
      console.log("count is: " + count);
    // count is: 1
    // count is: 2
    // count is: 3
    // count is: 4
    // count is: 5
  • example 2a:
    let str = "hello";
    let count = 0;
    while(count < str.length){
    // "h"
    // "e"
    // "l"
    // "l"
    // "o"
  • NO writing Infinite Loops -- make sure to increment count or break loop

for Loops

  • basic syntax:
    for(init; condition; step){
      // run some code
  • to loop over an array using a for loop, we use the array's length property
    • example:
      let colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green'];
      for(let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++){
  • compare the following examples to their while loop equivalents above:
    • example 1b:
      for(let count = 1; count < 6; count++){
        console.log("count is: " + count);
      // count is: 1
      // count is: 2
      // count is: 3
      // count is: 4
      // count is: 5
    • example 2b:
      let str = "hello";
      for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
      // "h"
      // "e"
      // "l"
      // "l"
      // "o"

.forEach Loops

  • built-in way of iterating over an array
  • syntax: arrayName.forEach(someFunction)
  • example with anonymous function:
    let colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green'];
    //color is a placeholder, call it whatever you want
  • example with named function:
    let colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green'];
    function printColor(color){
  • the function given to the forEach loop is the callback function
  • the callback function can take up to three arguments (must have at least one)
    • first: represents each element in the array (per loop iteration) that forEach was called on
    • second: represents the index of said element
    • third: represents the array that forEach was called on (the same for every iteration)
  • example with anonymous function:
    [1, 2, 3].forEach(function(el, i, arr){
      console.log(el, i, arr);
    //1 0 [1, 2, 3]
    //2 1 [1, 2, 3]
    //3 2 [1, 2, 3]
  • example with named function:
    function logNums(el, i, arr){
      console.log(el, i, arr);
    [1, 2, 3].forEach(logNums);
    //1 0 [1, 2, 3]
    //2 1 [1, 2, 3]
    //3 2 [1, 2, 3]

Building Our Own forEach Function

  • see buildingOurOwnForEach.js in the repository: the-web-developer-bootcamp/javascript

for-of Loops (ES6)

const pets = ['cat', 'dog', 'snake', 'hamster', 'bird']

for (const pet of pets) console.log(pet)

// cat
// dog
// snake
// hamster
// bird
  • automatically loops over the array, giving us access to the element in the current iteration
  • don't need to create code block when only have one statement on the same line
  • works on any iterable
  • can still use continue, break, return, yield, and await
  • finding the index of the current element:
    for (const pet of pets.entries()) {
    // ▶︎ (2) [0, 'cat']
    // ▶︎ (2) [1, 'dog']
    // ▶︎ (2) [2, 'snake']
    // ▶︎ (2) [3, 'hamster']
    // ▶︎ (2) [4, 'bird']
    // ▼ (7) [Array(2), Array(2), Array(2), Array(2), Array(2)]
    //   ▼ 0: ︎Array(2)
    //       0: 0
    //       1: 'cat'
    //   ▶ 1: ︎(2) [1, 'dog']
    //   ▶ 2: ︎(2) [2, 'snake']
    //   ▶ 3: ︎(2) [3, 'hamster']
    //   ▶ 4: ︎(2) [4, 'bird']
    • .entries is an 'Array Iterator' - returns new arrays for each element with the index number and the element
    • can use to print numbered lists, etc:
      for (const pet of pets.entries) {
        console.log(`${pet[0] + 1}: ${pet}`)
      // 1: cat
      // 2: dog
      // 3: snake
      // 4: hamster
      // 5: bird
      • can write this slightly more eloquently using destructuring (see destructuring notes) and get the same output result
      for (const [i, pet] of pets.entries) {
        console.log(`${i + 1}: ${pet}`)
      // 1: cat
      // 2: dog
      // 3: snake
      // 4: hamster
      // 5: bird

Comparing Types of for Loops

for vs forEach

  • in a for loop we are dealing with a number, which we are using to access elements of an array
  • in a forEach that's abstracted away, we are just dealing with a placeholder name that is used inside a function
    • more common to use with anonymous functions than named functions
  • there are cases where forEach doesn't exist

.forEach vs for-of Loops

from this stackoverflow post

This is a very intersting question which has been discussed in many other sites. I'll post the basics 
of what I have read.

ForEach exclusively belong to the royal family of Arrays. The forEach method was 
introduced with lineage to the prototypal inheritance of Array object! Needless to say, the 
forEach clause works only with those data structure which are Arrays. The method 
basically iterates over the elements of the array and executes a callback function [basically 
some executable function/ fun activity].

The for-of loop is adequately new to the JS world and packs in super-powers! 
Voilaaaaaaa! The for-of loop creates a loop iterating over iterable member objects. The list 
is an extensive one such as

•Other W3C classes

You need to know that this bad-ass boy emerged with the birth of ES6 in 2015. So, it offers 
plenty of flexibility in usage


In performance, for...of is faster than forEach. Results can be found here

forEach is 24% slower than for...of

Continue and Break

  • var john = ['John', 'Smith', 1990, 'designer', false, 'blue'];
    for (var i = 0; i < john.length; i++) {
        if (typeof john[i] !== 'string') continue;
    // John
    // Smith
    // designer
    // blue
    • if the element is not a string the loop will just continue to the next iteration
  • var john = ['John', 'Smith', 1990, 'designer', false, 'blue'];
    for (var i = 0; i < john.length; i++) {
        if (typeof john[i] !== 'string') break;
    // John
    // Smith
    • if the element is not a string the loop will terminate

Looping Backwards

  • var john = ['John', 'Smith', 1990, 'designer', false, 'blue'];
    for (let i = jihn.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // blue
    // false
    // designer
    // 1990
    // Smith
    // John

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